How Long Does It Take To Bleach Black Hair?

Bleaching black hair is a popular way to achieve a variety of hair colors, from platinum blonde to pastel shades. However, the process can be time-consuming and potentially damaging to the hair. Many factors can affect how long it takes to bleach black hair, including the starting shade of the hair, the strength of the bleach, and the technique used. In this topic, we will explore the ins and outs of bleaching black hair and provide insights into the time frame you can expect for achieving your desired result.

How Long Does It Take To Bleach Black Hair 2 thevenusface

How long does it take to bleach black hair?

The amount of time it takes to bleach black hair varies depending on several factors. One of the most significant factors is the starting shade of the hair. If the hair is naturally black or has been previously dyed black, it will require more time and effort to lift the color.

Typically, bleaching black hair can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, but it can also take longer. The amount of time needed will depend on the desired level of lightness, the strength of the bleach, and the technique used.

It’s important to note that bleaching black hair can be a delicate process that requires skill and care. Rushing the process or leaving the bleach on for too long can cause damage to the hair and scalp. Therefore, it’s recommended to seek the assistance of a professional stylist to ensure the process is done safely and efficiently.

More: Can You Use a Blow Dryer to Speed Up Bleach?

How long does bleached black hair last?

The duration of bleached black hair color largely depends on how well you maintain it. Bleached hair can be prone to damage and breakage, and it’s crucial to take good care of it to maintain its vibrancy and health.

On average, bleached black hair can last anywhere from 4-8 weeks before fading or growing out. However, the duration of the color can be extended by using hair care products that are specifically designed for color-treated hair, avoiding heat styling tools, and limiting exposure to direct sunlight.

It’s also essential to schedule regular touch-up appointments with a professional stylist to maintain the color and ensure that the hair stays healthy. If you’re looking for a longer-lasting hair color solution, you may want to consider a different coloring method, such as balayage or highlights, which can provide a more gradual fade and may require less frequent touch-ups.

Will black hair grow back after bleaching?

Yes, black hair will grow back after bleaching. Bleaching is a chemical process that removes the natural pigment from the hair shaft, lightening it to the desired shade. However, the hair follicles at the scalp remain unchanged, and as the hair grows, it will grow out of the scalp in its natural color.

It’s essential to note that bleaching can cause damage to the hair, making it more prone to breakage and split ends. Therefore, it’s important to take good care of your hair and scalp after bleaching, using products specifically designed for color-treated hair and avoiding excessive heat styling and harsh chemicals.

If you decide to go back to your natural black hair color after bleaching, you may need to grow out the bleached hair or use a hair color product specifically designed to darken the hair. It’s best to consult with a professional stylist for advice on the safest and most effective way to transition back to your natural hair color.

Will bleaching black hair turn it orange?

It’s possible for bleaching black hair to turn it orange, particularly if the bleaching process is not done correctly. When bleaching black hair, the pigment in the hair goes through several stages, starting with red and orange undertones before eventually lightening to a pale yellow or white shade.

If the bleach is left on for too long, or if the hair is already damaged, it can lead to uneven lifting and result in an orange hue. The orange color can also occur if the hair has been previously dyed with a red or warm-toned color.

To prevent the hair from turning orange during the bleaching process, it’s important to use high-quality bleach and closely monitor the hair’s progress during the bleaching process. A professional stylist can help ensure that the hair is bleached evenly and that the desired result is achieved.

If the hair does turn orange, toner can be used to neutralize the warm undertones and achieve a cooler, more natural-looking color. It’s best to consult with a professional stylist for advice on the safest and most effective way to bleach black hair and avoid unwanted orange tones.

More: How to Dye Blonde Hair Black Without It Turning Green

Does bleaching black hair make it blonde?

Bleaching black hair can lighten it, but it does not necessarily make it blonde. The final color after bleaching depends on several factors, including the natural color of the hair, the strength of the bleach used, and the length of time the bleach is left on the hair.

If black hair is bleached to its maximum level, it can achieve a pale yellow or even white color. However, achieving a true blonde color often requires additional steps, such as toning the hair to neutralize any remaining yellow or orange tones.

More: How to Keep Black Hair Color From Bleeding Into Blonde

Does bleaching black hair make it brown?

Bleaching black hair can lighten it to a brown color, but it depends on several factors, such as the natural color of the hair, the strength of the bleach used, and the length of time the bleach is left on the hair.

When hair is bleached, it goes through several stages of lightening, starting with a warm reddish or orange tone, then progressing to yellow, and finally to pale yellow or white. If the bleach is not left on long enough or is not strong enough, the hair may not lift past the orange or yellow stage, resulting in a light brown color.

Does bleached black hair fade?

Yes, bleached black hair can fade over time, especially if it is exposed to sunlight or if it is washed frequently. Bleached hair is more porous and delicate than unbleached hair, and it can be more prone to damage and color fading.

The extent to which bleached hair fades depends on several factors, such as the initial color of the hair, the strength of the bleach used, and how well the hair is cared for after the bleaching process. In general, the lighter the hair is bleached, the more noticeable fading may be.

To prevent fading and maintain the vibrancy of bleached hair, it’s important to take proper care of it. This includes using color-safe shampoos and conditioners, avoiding excessive heat styling, and protecting the hair from UV rays by wearing a hat or using hair products with UV protection. Additionally, regular touch-ups may be necessary to maintain the desired color and prevent fading.

More: Does Black Hair Dye Fade?

Is it safe to bleach black hair at home?

There are several risks associated with bleaching hair at home, including over-processing, uneven color, and damage to the hair and scalp. Additionally, some people may have an allergic reaction to bleach or other chemicals used in the process.

If you do decide to bleach your hair at home, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and use high-quality products. Do a strand test first to check how your hair reacts to the bleach, and avoid overlapping the bleach onto previously bleached areas. It’s also important to use protective gloves and avoid getting bleach on your skin or eyes.

Will bleach turn black hair white?

Bleach can potentially turn black hair white, but it depends on several factors, such as the natural color of the hair, the strength of the bleach used, and the length of time the bleach is left on the hair. When hair is bleached, it goes through several stages of lightening, starting with a warm reddish or orange tone, then progressing to yellow, and finally to pale yellow or white. If the bleach is strong enough and left on long enough, it can lift the hair to a white or platinum blonde color.

However, it’s important to note that bleaching hair to a white or platinum blonde color can be very damaging and requires a careful and precise application. Over-bleaching can lead to breakage, split ends, and overall hair damage. It’s best to consult a professional hairstylist who is experienced in bleaching hair to achieve this color safely and effectively.

Nala Hale
Nala Hale
Hi there! I'm Nala Hale, an African American woman who wears many hats. I'm a hair stylist, blogger, and proud mother of three amazing kids. In addition to my work as a stylist, I'm also the owner and content writer for, where I share my passion for beauty, fashion, and lifestyle with the world.