How to Treat Extremely Dry Scalp on Black Hair

As someone with naturally curly black hair, I understand how frustrating it can be to deal with this issue. I used to spend hours searching for the right products and treatments that could soothe my scalp without damaging my hair. It wasn’t until I discovered the right combination of remedies and techniques that I finally found relief. Now, I want to share my experience with others who may be struggling with the same issue. In this guide, I will provide tips and tricks on how to treat extremely dry scalp on black hair, so that you too can have healthy and happy hair.

How to Treat Extremely Dry Scalp on Black Hair 2 thevenusface

What causes dry scalp in black hair?

There are several factors that can contribute to a dry scalp in black hair. One of the most common causes is the natural texture of black hair. Curly and coily hair types tend to be drier because the natural oils produced by the scalp have a harder time traveling down the hair shaft.

In addition to hair texture, environmental factors can also play a role. Exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as wind and cold temperatures, can strip the scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Similarly, overuse of hot styling tools like flat irons and blow dryers can dry out the scalp and hair.

Certain hair care products can also contribute to dryness. Shampoos that contain harsh detergents, sulfates, and alcohol can strip the scalp of its natural oils. Additionally, using too many styling products or leaving them in for too long can cause buildup on the scalp, leading to dryness and irritation. Finally, underlying medical conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or fungal infections can cause dryness and flakiness on the scalp.

How to treat dry scalp on black hair?

Treating a dry scalp on black hair requires a multi-faceted approach that includes changes to your hair care routine and lifestyle habits. Here are some tips to help alleviate dryness and promote a healthy scalp:

Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo

Look for a shampoo that is specifically designed for dry or sensitive scalps and avoid harsh detergents and sulfates. Also, limit the frequency of washing your hair to no more than twice a week to avoid stripping your scalp of natural oils.

Moisturize your scalp

After washing your hair, apply a leave-in conditioner or scalp oil to moisturize your scalp. Look for products that contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera, tea tree oil, or jojoba oil.

More: How to Moisturize Scalp for Black Hair

Avoid heat styling

Excessive heat from styling tools like flat irons and blow dryers can cause dryness and damage to the scalp and hair. Minimize your use of these tools and opt for protective hairstyles like braids and twists that don’t require heat styling. Also, using the right hot tools for black hair is recommended.

More: Best hair dryers for black hair, rated by hairdresser

Practice good scalp hygiene

Regularly cleanse your scalp with a gentle shampoo and avoid using too many styling products that can clog your scalp pores. Also, use a clean towel or pillowcase to avoid transferring bacteria and oil to your scalp.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Seek medical treatment if necessary

If your dry scalp persists despite making lifestyle changes, consult a dermatologist who can recommend medicated shampoos, creams, or other treatments to help manage your condition.

What oil do black people use for dry scalp?

Black people often use natural oils to moisturize a dry scalp. Some of the most popular oils include:

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil closely mimics the natural oils produced by the scalp, making it an excellent moisturizer. It is also easily absorbed and doesn’t leave a greasy residue.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help soothe a dry and itchy scalp. It can also help to reduce dandruff and promote healthy hair growth.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a highly nourishing oil that can help to hydrate and protect the scalp. It is rich in fatty acids that can penetrate the hair shaft and prevent breakage.

Castor oil

Castor oil is a thick and viscous oil that can help to moisturize and nourish a dry scalp. It is also known for its ability to promote hair growth and thickness.

Argan oil

Argan oil is a lightweight oil that is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. It can help to moisturize and protect the scalp while also promoting healthy hair growth.

It’s important to note that everyone’s scalp is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s always best to patch-test a small area before applying any new oil to your scalp and hair.

Final thoughts

Taking care of a dry scalp on black hair requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to try new approaches. It’s essential to listen to your scalp and adjust your hair care routine accordingly. Now you know how to treat extremely dry scalp on black hair. With the right products, lifestyle changes, and professional help, you can improve your scalp health and promote strong, healthy, and vibrant black hair.

More: How to Treat Burned Scalp From Hair Dryer

Nala Hale
Nala Hale
Hi there! I'm Nala Hale, an African American woman who wears many hats. I'm a hair stylist, blogger, and proud mother of three amazing kids. In addition to my work as a stylist, I'm also the owner and content writer for, where I share my passion for beauty, fashion, and lifestyle with the world.