Does Baby Powder Help With Oily Skin? Which Is the Best?

Baby powder is a skincare product that helps stop diaper rashes. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as skin products. It can also be used to clean and freshen things like grease stains and hair. Ingredients in baby powder can vary, but it typically contains talc and corn starch. Does baby powder help with oily skin? Theoretically, the baby powder should help reduce oily on your face, because it contains ingredients that absorb oil, talcum, and corn starch are some of them. Of course, it depends on each brand, some can be very effective, others not much.

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Can you use baby powder for oily skin?

Yes, you can, theoretically. Baby powder is designed for babies, who have very sensitive skin. Therefore, there’s no reason an adult can’t use it. However, please note that baby powder is used for babies’ bums to prevent diaper rash, which means using it on the face can lead to some unexpected consequences.

For instance, if the baby powder contains talc, which is a comedogenic ingredient, it can clog your pores and lead to more severe skin issues down the road.

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Best baby powder for oily skin

List of top-rated baby powders for oily skin:

Is baby powder good for oily skin?

As said above, it depends on the ingredients in baby powder. Generally, oily skin should be treated with non-comedogenic solutions instead of comedogenic ones. Therefore, checking the ingredients list and the specific product you’re using is a necessary step.

If there is no comedogenic ingredient used in the product, then it could be a good, inexpensive solution for oily skin. You can also use it as a cheap primer or as a touch-up powder throughout the day.

Can I use Johnson baby powder on my face?

Yes, it is. Johnson baby powder contains talc. Talcum powder helps to absorb excess moisture and reduce friction thus providing smoothness to the skin. Johnson baby powder is used in many countries. Homemade face masks using Johnson baby powder can be done at home easily. However, just because it is safe to use, doesn’t mean you should.

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Is Johnson baby powder good for oily skin?

Yes and no. J&J produces two versions of baby powder: one with talc as an ingredient and one with not. As said above, talc is a comedogenic ingredient that can clog pores and lead to more severe skin issues. Therefore, it is not recommended for oily skin. So, if you want to use Johnson baby powder on your oily face, make sure that you choose the version without talc.

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Which baby powder is best for oily skin?

Baby powder is already designed for very sensitive skin, so you shouldn’t worry about the ingredients’ sensitivities. However, you should check the baby powder to see if it contains any comedogenic ingredients like talc. If it doesn’t, then you’re good to go with baby powder on your oily face.

In short, every baby powder with non-comedogenic ingredients is good for oily skin.

Final thought

Whether you’re wondering if the baby powder is good for oily skin or not, it’s important to read the ingredients list and do your research before using any product on your face. Some baby powders contain comedogenic ingredients that can clog pores and lead to more severe skin issues. However, many brands produce a non-comedogenic version of their baby powder, which is safe to use on oily skin. So, the key here is to remember to check the ingredients list before purchasing!

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Is Johnson baby soap good for oily skin?

Generally speaking, you shouldn’t use any soap on your face, especially not on oily skin. Instead of using soap, many inexpensive cleansers/face washes are designed specifically for oily skin. Why use a product that is not intended for your skin type when there are so many good products on the market?

Is Johnson moisturizer good for oily skin?

The rule is to check if there are comedogenic ingredients in those face care products. If there are comedogenic ingredients, then it is not recommended for oily skin. The non-comedogenic moisturizer/day lotion will be the best choice to use on your face.

Is Johnson baby cream good for oily skin?

No, Johnson baby cream contains comedogenic components that have been demonstrated to cause acne breakouts. As a result, these infant products are not suggested for individuals with oily acne-prone skin.

Is Johnson baby oil good for oily skin?

Even though baby oil can be used by many people without increasing their chance of acne, you should avoid using it on oily skin. Even if baby oil itself does not block your pores, the barrier it creates over your skin may trap dirt and oil that enters your pores, aggravating your condition.

Does baby powder clog pores?

No, baby powder does not clog pores. Baby powder, particularly talcum powder, is generally considered safe and is not known to clog pores. In fact, it is often used to reduce acne and pimples by drying them out. Johnson’s Baby Powder, for example, is made from cosmetic talc and has been used for its drying properties. While there can be differing opinions, some sources suggest that talcum powder doesn’t lead to clogged pores or acne breakouts

Can the baby powder be used on all skin types?

No, baby powder is not suitable for all skin types. It can be drying for people with dry skin and can cause irritation for people with sensitive skin.

Is it safe to use talc-based baby powder on the skin?

The safety of talc-based baby powder has been a topic of debate in recent years. While some studies have suggested a link between talc use and cancer, others have found no conclusive evidence. It is generally recommended to use talc-free alternatives if possible.


Halle Jackson
Halle Jackson
My name is Halle Jackson and I am a dermatologist, skincare specialist, and makeup artist. I am also a content writer for Through my writing, I aim to educate and inspire readers to take control of their skin health and beauty. I believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, and I am committed to sharing my knowledge and expertise to help make that a reality.